Thursday, October 20, 2011

Getting Free Stuff

This week, I was playing the video game League of Legends when I decided I really wanted a new "skin" (an in game add-on for characters that make them look cool so you can boast to all your friends). The problem is that they cost money and I was a few dollars short of purchasing it. So, being the crafty aka cheap person that I am I wrote their company an email about why they should just give me the skin. Except since the skin is cowboy themed, I wrote quite a phenomenal little story about cowboys. Here it is...

I realize that with great power comes great Spiderman quotes, but please consider the following.
Ever since I was a young boy I have dreamed of becoming a Cowboy. Yes I know, this is a common fantasy among boys growing up in the 1950's, but I believe my situation is a little bit different. You see I was not born in the 1950's where it was widely accepted to aspire to become one of these heroes of the Wild Wild West. I was in fact born in the 1990s, where the only desperado was Will Smith in the movie Wild Wild West. However, I can easily say that this movie single handedly triggered my fascination with cowboys. I began dressing up as a cowboy EVERY DAY after my mother bought me a cowboy costume for Halloween 1999 (the year Wild WIld West came out). But everything came to a screeching halt when I awoke on New Years day 2000.My mother told me that we had been robbed and the only thing taken was my cowboy costume. In shambles, I accepted the news and was forced to settle with solely playing with cowboy toys. For the next five years I often would exclaim to everyone that I LOVED cowboys and i dreamed of becoming one.... Until that fateful day in 2005 when Brokeback Mountain came out. I was in the fifth grade, and upon hearing there was a new cowboy movie coming out I instantly ran down to the movie theater. I knew it was rated R because it was gonna be so awesome and full of cowboys, so i sneakily bought a ticket to The incredibles, then snuck into the room that was showing Brokeback Mountain. The things I saw... my god... the things they did... I screamed in fright, sprinting out of the theater I exclaimed at the top of my lungs "I HATE COWBOYS". For the next six years I emotionally torn because I couldn't tell anyone that I did in fact still like the cowboys of the west. I was forced to forever hide my aspiration of becoming a cowboy, a REAL cowboy.
As the years went by, my friend introduced me to League of Legends and I discovered there was a cow champion. I instantly began to play Alistar round the clock. Finally, I was able to live up my dream of being a man who controls the movement of a cow. And now, in 2011 after seeing the success of the game Red Dead Redemption and the fact that people only remember Heath Ledger for his performance in The Dark Knight, it is socially acceptable to love cowboys again. In the past week I have spent all of my income buying cowboy costumes, posters, and action figures. Then, this morning when I discovered that Alistar has a skin in which he is dressed up as a cowboy I decided that I would need to buy it instantly. The problem I ran into is that I possess a measly 325 RP, which is not quite enough to purchase this glorious skin. Under normal circumstances I would just go out and buy more RP, but I have already spent all of my money on the other forms of cowboy swag. So I beg of you Mr. Rioter, please use your divine powers to grant me the remaining 195 RP I need to make my life long dream come true.



  1. God I'm going to have to try that there are a few skins I've been wanting.
