Friday, November 11, 2011


At the beginning of this semester the category of reader that I fell into was... not a reader. I would say that I was very independent in my reading my reading choices, it's just that I chose not to read.The only things that I found myself reading on my own were short news articles or rage comics. Even then if the rage comic were to look like a wall of text, I would instantly be dissuaded from reading it. As this semester has gone on, I have begun to move into the category of "guy who reads when he is super bored or super frustrated with his video games" readers. I like to think that this is a massive improvement in my reading tendencies. I went from reading no books in several years, to almost 3 books in a single semester. That may be a promising rise in my desire to read or a sad realization about how bored and frustrated I am with video games, either way my reading habits have significantly improved. I have found that I pretty much like reading anything, it's all entertaining to me. So after this class I think I am much more likely to read during next semester and the summer, and I believe I will keep moving through the rest of the Artemis Fowl series.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

This Week So Far

This week has been really good for me so far. Not too much homework, and that's pretty cool because I have been sleeping over 12 hours everyday. Also out of what homework I have gotten, I have done it. It's so crazy that when someone actually does homework they can understand the lesson 90000000000x better. Oh yeah, and today I happened to become #1 cool cat when my poem analysis was voted a winner. Felt really good to actually get recognized for something I put work into. Besides all that stuff I've read roughly 30 pages of my Artemis Fowl book. I think I can attribute most of this lack of reading to the fact that I'm never awake. The book is still good, it switches around the perspective a lot in order to cover all the facets of the story, and I enjoy when books do that. It makes it feel like I'm not missing anything going on in the story, plus it's so cool when all the separate stories are about to converge on each other and they are all unaware of it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

This weekend

Wow, this weekend was extremely unproductive. Since 3pm Friday I have honestly been awake for a grand total of 8 hours. However, in these 8 hours I have read for about an hour total. So using a bit of mathematics I have discovered that I spent 12.5% of the waking hours of my weekend reading, which if I'm not mistake, is LEGENDARY. Mr. Hill I can just see the tears of pride forming in your eyes right now. Anyway, I've basically just been reading more of that Artemis Fowl book that I found in my room.

TL;DR: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II is a fantastic movie and I read exponentially more than my classmates did based on the ratio of time awake to time reading.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


This week I decided to start reading a book that is a part of a series I used to read in 7th grade. I used to really enjoy the first two Artemis Fowl books, then this weekend I was cleaning out my room and I found the third installment in my room. I decided to start reading it, and to my surprise it is actually pretty cool. If you're not familiar it is about a 15 year old genius (12 in the first book) who is the son of an extremely wealthy crime lord. He gets in these ridiculous fiascoes with this group of magical underground people named Fairies. They can become stealthed on command, heal themselves and others with magic, and do all other sorts of awesome stuff. In past books he fought against them, then along side them, and in this one it looks like he will be once again fighting along side them. It starts off with him trying to seal a deal with a major Mobster with his "eternity code". Things turn sour and Artemis's bodyguard who is also his best friend ends up taking a bullet for him. The only way for him to save him is going to be with the assistance of the fairies, however the fairies believe that they successfully wiped his memory of their encounters. So getting in contact is going to be a little problematic. Well, that's about it so far. TOOTALOO